Global Recycling Day 2018
Throughout our commercial trade channels, there has been some genuine interest and discussion on how effective The Global Recycling Day roll out was recently.
Various events that took place across the world included 24+ major events that were attended and witnessed by well over 10,000 people: official events were staged in nine of the world’s major cities - Johannesburg, Paris, Dubai, Brussels, London, Delhi, Sao Paulo, Washington DC and our very own Sydney. ‘Unofficial’ events were held in and Ghana, the Maldives, Nepal and Malaysia as well drawing good interest and participation.
Launched and initiated by the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) these events are said to have reached approx. 10.5 million people and were picked up by some of the world’s leading media outlets such as Sky News. The profile of Global Recycling Day was boosted by testimonials from 10 environmental leaders, including Head of UN Environment Erik Solheim, United Nations Assistant Secretary General Nikhil Seth and Dr Janez Potočnik, former EU Commissioner for the Environment.
BIR added that engagement with the United Nations surpassed expectations and that steps are now being taken to galvanise the event as permanent and ongoing part of each calendar year. Growth and awareness are the key to success and participation for the events will need to include more corporate sponsors; further engagement with UNIDO and working towards official recognition of Global Recycling Day; continued engagement across all channels; and ensuring the BIR membership benefits from association with the day.
Several global brands also joined in with the Global Recycling Day initiative, including Greenpeace, WWF, Coca-Cola, Dell and Nestlé. Some have already lined up conversations about involvement in next year’s second Global Recycling Day.
All of this global talk around promotion of recycling stimulates business and governments alike to maximise their own return on investment via new technologies, installations, upgrades and efficiencies. We are constantly attending shows around the world and hosting our own displays of these new innovations that could benefit you.
If you are looking for any information regarding specific recycling applications for your business, school, local government or community - get in touch today by calling 03 8792 9777. You can also send any inquiries to